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Friendship Poems

28 Best Friendship poems ideas And Sayings

28 Best Friendship Poems And Sayings How To Be My Friend Forever. Heart Touching Quotes About best friend ” We may not have spoken since a long time. But nothing can steal the memories away from you and me. I miss you, my friend. Life tore us apart, but no matter where I am or what I’m doing, there is always a place in my heart, just for you..” quotes on friendship poems

Alone by Maya Angelou

Alone by Maya Angelou (1928 – 2014)

Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone
I came up with one thing
And I don’t believe I’m wrong
That nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.

There are some millionaires
With money they can’t use
Their wives run round like banshees
Their children sing the blues
They’ve got expensive doctors
To cure their hearts of stone.
But nobody
No, nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Now if you listen closely
I’ll tell you what I know
Storm clouds are gathering
The wind is gonna blow
The race of man is suffering
And I can hear the moan,
’Cause nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Friendship poems

23 Best Friendship Poems And Sayings 5


They’re the few people
who accept silence

over conversation

A relationship like this denies

silly promises and persuasion

You don’t feel the need

to second guess

thoughts or measure words

Their love comes in wholes,

not halves, not thirds

They’re the ones that guide you

through when fate takes a turn

Fights, small and large, end in

forgiveness, never a burn

You forget about first impressions

and the feelings they brought

You’re grateful for who they are

and you forgive ’em for

what they’re not.


When I lost belief in myself

You became my self-esteem

When my eyes were shedding tears

You became their gleam

When my ego took a beating

You stoked it like fire

You trusted me even when

The world called me a liar

When I became difficult

You showed patience with me

I guess, best friends forever

We’re meant to be



You have stood by me like a rock

Even though I never asked you to

Not just when I was right

But when I was wrong too

You have done everything

That is expected from a friend

To how much I love you

There is simply no end


There’s lots of things with

which I’m blessed,

My problems have been few,

But of all, this one’s the best:

To have a friend like you

In times of trouble friends will say,

“Just ask, I’ll help you through it.”

But you don’t wait for me to ask,

You just get up and do it!

And I can think of nothing more

That I could wisely do,

Than know a friend, and

be a friend,

And have a friend like you.


23 Best Friendship Poems And Sayings 1


Living life without a friend like you

Would be like having a wine gone bad

Attending school and college without you

Would have surely driven me mad

Flipping a photo album without you in it

Would be like watching a rainbow in sepia

Not sharing all my problems with you

Would put me in a massive dilemma

Every aspect of life would be empty

Blank and totally colorless

If you weren’t there in my life

To fill it up with sublime happiness



You are the one because of whom

Our fights have never lasted long

You are the reason why

Our friendship is so strong

You are the cause for us to be

Close, even when we are miles apart

It is because of you that I

Live life carefree, with all my heart

You are the only person

Who gets credit for our friendship

For making it the most

Sweetest and cutest relationship

A friend is someone we turn to,

When our spirits need a lift,

A friend is someone we treasure,

For true friendship is a gift.

A friend is someone we laugh with,

Over little personal things,

A friend is someone we’re serious with,

In facing whatever life brings.

A friend is someone who fills our lives,

With beauty and joy and grace.

And makes the world that we live in

A better and happier place!

No matter how much time

We spend together

Whether hours or days

Enough, it seems never

I don’t know how I’d cope

If you were to go away

That moment would usher in

My life’s most painful days

Let’s promise each other

That regardless of where

Life takes us, for each other

We’ll always be there.


23 Best Friendship Poems And Sayings 2


No matter what life throws at me

The memories of our friendship will always

Help me remain happy and strong

Even while facing tough and bad days

The smiles, the laughs the sheer awesomeness

Of the times we’ve spent together

Is something that I’ll hold close to my heart

Till the end of time, forever and ever.


A spouse is a better half

Is what people usually say

But in this traditional idea

I don’t believe in any way

My better half right now

Is none other than you

A friend, who supports me

In everything I do.


To reveal my real friends

I didn’t need adversity

I knew you were my true friend

Irrespective of a calamity

To see who I could trust

I didn’t need trouble to arise

The fact that I could depend on you

Was no surprise

Like us, very few people

Can proudly say

That they are friends forever

Come what may.

May you always find your treasure

In the blessings that life sends

In the beauty of each season

In the company of good friends.

May you grow in faith and wisdom,

Gather strength from every storm

May you always have a smile to share

And someone to keep you warm.

May each path you choose bring promise

Of the things you’re dreaming of

May your world be filled with peace and joy,

And your heart be filled with love


23 Best Friendship Poems And Sayings 3


Gratitude is not enough

A loving gesture is not sufficient

A simple note of thanks

Will look too complacent

To convey my gratefulness to you

I will have to do something drastic

I owe you something big

For being a friend so fantastic

Thank you


My best friend forever

That you are

The best thing to happen

In my life so far

My daily dose

Of happiness and inspiration

My dear friend

You are the one

Thank you


If I hadn’t met you

Things would have been bad

I don’t who I would’ve called

Whenever I was sad

I would’ve had no one

To tell my secrets to

By my side if I didn’t

Have an amazing friend like you


God must have known there would be times

we’d need a word of cheer

Someone to praise a triumph

or brush away a tear.

He must have known we’d need to share

the joy of “little things”

In order to appreciate

the happiness life brings.

I think he knew our troubled hearts

would sometimes throb with pain

At trials and misfortunes

or some goals we can’t attain.

He knew we’d need the comfort

of an understanding heart

To give us strength and courage

to make a fresh, new start.

He knew we’d need companionship


And so God answered

the heart’s great need

with a Cherished Friend….like you.

More than a gift

More than a journey

More than a treat

More than just destiny

Our friendship is

Something special

It makes everything

Seem so magical

Here’s to you

A friend unlike any other

Here’s to us

Friends forever


23 Best Friendship Poems And Sayings 4


Thanks for doing me a favor

By once again being my savior

Thanks for supporting me

Not just once but repeatedly

Thanks for cutting me some slack

Thanks for always watching my back

Thanks for helping me in times of need

You are a special friend, indeed.


The test of time

Has been survived

Of each other’s company

Although we were deprived

The test of distance

Has been won by us

Even though were apart

We didn’t make a fuss

Every curve ball that life

Threw at our friendship

In fact, made it

A much stronger relationship


A sturdy wall

An unshakable pillar

Is what you have been to me

By being a friend so dear

A roof on the head

A robust parapet

You are one the most

Reliable people I have met

You have always shielded me

And been protective

A heartfelt thank you for that

Is what I want to give


The meaning of being special,

is found in a person like you.

A friend who is so thoughtful,

in everything they say and do.

A person who betters my life,

by being a part of it each day.

Someone who touhes my heart,

in a special, and unique way

A person who’s always giving,

and willing to help all they can.

Who truly gives from their heart,

showing they care for who I am.

This friend I have found in you,

is as special as one could be.

And I am so blessed in my life,

that you’ve been a friend to me.


Friends like you are worth

Their weight in gold

My valuable keepsake

Even when I become old

Way more precious

Than gems or pearls

Life’s true meaning

They help unfurl

Awesome and fun

Truly priceless

For money can’t buy

Friendship’s happiness


I’ll be there for you

Until the very end

Wiping all your tears away

Being your special friend

I’ll listen while you talk

I’ll encourage you too

I’ll smile when you’re smiling

And feel all the ache you do

You’re my best friend

And I care a lot for you

All the tears you shed

I’ll cry the same amount too.


I’m not sure when it happened

But I’m very glad it did

You came into my life

When I really needed a friend

The more I get to know you

The more I know myself

And this is why I’m thankful

For you are just yourself

You and I are different

But in many ways the same

Your good ear and tender heart

Will always find you fame

I promise to always be here

Forever and to the end

You are the true definition

of my very best friend!

The Best collections of Friendship Poems always happy. Be friends


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