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28 Best Inspirational Quotes About Life

Best inspirational quotes about life Nothing Is Guaranteed Life Is Crazy Ride

Best inspirational quotes about life Nothing Is Guaranteed Life Is Crazy Ride

Famous Life quotes about positive ” The truth is you Don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a CRAZY RIDE, And Nothing is GUARANTEED.”

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What is the 1 rule of success?

Once there lived a young man in a town who was deeply troubled by his failures he worked tirelessly to be successful in his life and achieve financial freedom. but he failed all the time despite his efforts success remained out of his reach it left him frustrated and disheartened.

one day he decided to see guidance from a wise buddhist mock who lived in a small cottage on the outskirt of town. when he approached the monk he said master.

I am very distressed and disappointed with my life I have been working hard day and night to be Successful and gain financial freedom . but despite all my efforts I have not found success now I am feeling discouraged please tell me what to do the monk listened calmly to the man then he thought for a moment and glanced at his dog.

finally he said I will answer your question but first could you please take my dog for a walk it has not gone for a walk since morning and when you return I will share my advice the man agreed and took the dog out for a walk after half an hour when he returned he was was looking refreshed.

Cheerful while the dog looked completely exhausted and it was painting with its tong hanging out the monk observed the difference and asked why do you look so fresh and cheerful while my dog looks exhausted and tired.

you both went together and took the same path then why is there such a difference. the man replied master we walk the route. but I walked straight along the path meanwhile the dog kept running after every other dog. it saw whenever it spotted another dog it would chase after it and then eventually return to me and then it would repeat.

The same thing with the next dog that’s why it got so tired and exhausted the monk smiled and said you see my friend.

you asked how to be successful in life and this is your answer like this dog.

you keep chasing after different goals and as a result you stray from your own path and move further from your goal and then when a new idea catches your attention you start chasing after that new idea and again.

move away from your goal if you want to succeed in your purpose then set a clear goal for yourself and follow it with determination passion

And without letting yourself be distracted by others just focus on your own path and success will follow you if we see in our lives we will find that the secret to success lies in unwavering focus and dedication to a single and clear goal in life.

many people struggle to achieve success because they are easily distracted by the things around them which leads them away from their true path they are often affected by various ideas opinions or trends that seem appealing at the moment but these distractions ultimately drain.

Their energy and deflect them from their purpose most people start with strong intentions but they try to pursue too many things at once without committing fully to any single path.

this is like trying to ride two boats at the same time eventually they are bound to fall into the water just imagine you set out for a destination and constantly change your directions after some time in the midway will you ever reach anywhere.

no you will only vender endlessly without reaching anywhere but if you choose one path and

Follow it dedicated without deviation you will certainly reach your destination whether it is in studies career or any personal goals the first condition for success is to set one clear objective and commit yourself to it.

there is a famous quote which says take up one idea make that one idea your life think of it dream of it and live on that idea let your brain muscles nerves and every part of your body be full of that idea and leave every other idea.

on this is the way to success so if you want to achieve success in your life then set a clear

Objective for yourself follow it with determination and resist urge to look around at what others are doing and saying and ultimately you will find success and fulfillment in your life.


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