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Congratulation Messages Wishes

145 What to Write in a Congratulations Card on Passing Exam and Good Results With Images – Notes & Quotes

Know a student who’s aced their exams but can’t find the words to say congrats? Here are a bunch of great exam congratulations message ideas to get you started. Heartiest congratulations on passing your exams! Your efforts have been rewarded. Great job! I am overjoyed to learn about your good results! Congratulations on this outstanding achievement! Keep it up!

Congratulations Card on Passing Exam and Good Results: When your loved ones perform well during an important exam then he or she surely deserves a thoughtful and heartfelt congratulatory message. So if you are looking for the perfect wordings on what to write in the congratulatory card for success in exams you have reached the right spot. Here is an excellent collection of sample congratulatory messages for good exam results. We shouldn’t miss the opportunity to motivate them to do more success in life. Celebrating their performance or sending congratulations messages and greetings for passing the exam is one of the best ways to inspire them. Here we stated some of the best congratulations for passing exam messages and greetings to wish your dearest one who performs very well and makes good grades. See more ideas quotes about husband quotes, thank you quotes, be thankful-quotes, appreciation quotes, congratulation messages, thank you messages, quotes about gratitude.

Congratulations Messages of Appreciation for Passing Exam

#1. I send my heartiest congratulations to you on your brilliant success!

#2. Congratulations on passing the exam! Your patience and persistence have finally paid off. Now you are one step closer to your dream.

#3. I have been rooting for you since day one, and you didn’t disappoint me at all. Congratulations!

congratulations wishes for passing exam

congratulations wishes for passing exam

#4. You deserve all the triumph! Let us raise a toast in honor of you the next time we meet.

#5. Congrats! Keep believing in yourself and work hard; more achievements are yet to come!

#6. Your success is really well deserved. I congratulate you on your brilliant result, dear!

#7. Best wishes for passing the exam and good luck with more excellent achievements in the future. Congratulations.

#8. Congratulations on your excellent success and good luck with more progress.

#9. Exams are tough, but Champions make it interesting with their superb performance. I knew you’d do great on your exam. Congratulations.

#10. You’ve proved that dedication and learning end at resulting in excellent outcomes. Best wishes for achieving the best place and all the best for the upcoming days.

#11. Well done! May your future be filled with many more great achievements like this.

#12. Congratulations my dear! I am so impressed with your result and hope you’ll keep continued this serial of good marks.

Congratulations Quotes For Good Results

#14. Good luck to you with your future and your next ambitions but I am happy a lot with your result. Congratulations!

#15. Congratulations on passing the board exams with such a great result. This is just the beginning of more remarkable accomplishments in your life. Best wishes for your life!

#16. Poor students always find problems and look for excuses. Good students like you always find solutions and move ahead. Congratulations.

congratulations quotes for good results

congratulations quotes for good results

#17. You have proven that diligence and learning end up contributing to outstanding results. Best wishes for the best location and all the best for the next days to be done.

#18. Congratulations on your excellent success and good luck with more progress. I have complete faith that you’ll pass your exam with a good score.

#19. Congratulations on your great achievement. Never run after success; gain worthiness, and success will run after you.

#20. Congratulations on your most sincerely passing exam. You are the inspiration to the others and the ideal for the newer.

#21. I always knew you were going to be born for greatness. Well done! Well done! They’re so proud of you.

#22. All the sacrifices and nights of sleeplessness eventually paid off. I am very impressed with you. Uh! Congratulations!

#23. The exam is just a test to check if you have been able to understand what you have been learning but make sure that life takes a similar test and will have to work hard to clear that. Best of luck.

#24. If annoying teachers and bullying classmates can’t stop you from getting good grades, nothing ever will. You are one tough nut. Congratulations on shining out.

#25. Your hard work and determination paid off well, dear. I am extremely proud of you. May you achieve your future goals effortlessly. Congrats on your brilliant result.

#26. Your good results will open new doors of opportunities. May you have continued success and happiness. Enjoy what you do, and success will follow as before.

Short Messages For Congratulations and Good luck!

#28. As we celebrate your success with this test!

#29. E is for Each time you opened a book

#30. X is for Xeroxes of notes you made

#31. A is for All-nighters that you pulled

#32. M is for Making the tip-top grade!

congratulations for result

congratulations for result

#33. Congrats on the success on your exam!

#34. Life will test you in so many ways;

#35. Exams are just one minuscule part.

#36. No more power points, no more books,

#37. No more of Professor’s dirty looks

#38. When you don’t quite understand,

#39. ‘Cause, you just aced! (‘Cause you’re the man!)

#40. Getting all prepared for a big final exam

#41. Has magnified itself to be

#42. Ten times scarier than back then!

#43. Congrats on overcoming your exam!

#44. It is no coincidence that

#45. You’ve dutifully stayed glued to your books.

#46. You’ve made it pay off in the end!

#47. You’ve taken this exam and made it through,

#48. You’ve passed with flying colors!

#49. Can sometimes feel like a test in itself.

Exam Result Wishes for the Exam

#51. Exams are not just a test of brilliance but also the perseverance to be brilliant constantly. Congratulations.

#52. The conquest of your examinations is just the beginning. Can you overcome even more summits in your lifetime. Congratulations on the results of your tests.

#53. The best way to accomplish an uncomfortable mission is… to get started! I knew you would be able to do it! The world will belong to you now!

congratulations messages for achievement in exam

congratulations messages for achievement in exam

#54. The speed at which you are passing your tests shows that you’ll reach the finish line called SUCCESS before everyone else. Congratulations on passing an exam.

#55. Much like the way you did your exams, the only way to ensure success in your life is to give it your best shot. Ok, congratulations.

#56. Heard you did well for your final exam. Congrats! May all your dreams come true. Everything is possible when you believe in yourself. Wishing you all the best.

#57. Really glad to hear about your results. You did so well and surprised everyone. Soon you will be entering University and I would like to wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

#58. Age-old wisdom says that hard work always pays off in life, and you have proven that it holds even today. Congratulations.

Appreciation Messages of Thanks for Positive Result

#60. I am genuinely happy about your huge success, dear. Sending my heartfelt congrats on your magnificent result! May God bless you to shine brighter!

#61. I have always believed that you were destined for success! Congratulations on acing the exam. Way more to go and way more to achieve!

#62. It runs in the family, isn’t it? I am so proud of you (name). Congratulations on the amazing success in your exams.

well done messages for passing exam

well done messages for passing exam

#63. Best wishes for your wonderful triumph. And hope that in the future, you can keep up the good job. It was really well done.

#64. Always send your best and it will come to you with success itself. Very well done, and you will be able to persist with it.

#65. Really well done, my sweetheart! With your excellent academic success, you have made this day special.

#66. Congratulations on being a consistent student, passing the exams with flying colors proves that you are an achiever with a bright future.

Well Done Messages for Passing Examinations

#68. In my eyes, you are the perfect example of a good student, and you’ve proved me right once again. Well done dear!

#69. When you overpower your fears, you’ll see a new dawn of success. I am so glad about your excellently passing exam. Very well done.

#70. There will be a vibrant rainbow in the sky today because you’ve passed an important test with flying colors. Congratulations.

#71. Your good results will open new doors of opportunities. May you have continued success and happiness. Enjoy what you do and success will follow as before.

#72. Good luck to you with your future and your next ambitions but I am happy a lot with your result. Congratulations!

#73. Best wishes on your great victory. And hope you’ll keep up the good work in the future. Very well done.

#74. Passing the exams means you took the first step in achieving success in your future endeavors. Congratulations to you!

#75. Not only are you a source of inspiration for your peers, but you are also a source of pride for your family as well. Congratulations on getting your letters.

#76. Your positive results are going to open up new avenues of opportunity. Will there be more prosperity and satisfaction for you. Enjoy what you are doing, and as before, success will result.

#77. Good luck to you with your success and your future dreams, but I am very satisfied with your results. Congratulations! All right!

#78. From all of us, we are happy to hear about your success in all of your exams. Blow-out dude!

#79. Always give your best and success itself will come to you. Very well done and may you persist in it.

Inspirational Student Messages for the Result

#81. Congratulations on your excellent exam results. Keep the same courage and confidence to face the challenges of life. May God bless you with success and abundant happiness.

#82. Just as we all thought you would, thank you for nailing the test. Today, you have made me so proud. Holding positive stuff going on doing. Hey! Best wishes!

#83. In my eyes, you are the perfect example of a good student and you’ve proved me right once again. Well done dear!

congratulations on passing your exams

congratulations on passing your exams

#84. Exams and grades are temporary, but they are permanent in school. Congratulations on passing your test.

#85. Wishing you deep gratitude for bringing up such an extraordinary show in your review, darling. Really, your performance is well earned. Cheers for that one!

#86. Congratulations on being successful in your exams. Your hard work during the semester had paid off.

#87. Celebrations will be there due to your success which u got and proved that no one equals to you.

#88. You aced your tests, which is a sign that you will ace many other things in life. Congratulations.

#89. Even your grades agree that you’re going to go places in life. Congratulations.

#90. We didn’t need a scorecard to tell us that you were a winner. We always knew. Congratulations.

#91. You are not just a source of inspiration for your friends, but also a source of pride for your family. Congratulations on acing your papers.

#92. You have high hopes and dreams your dreams are the reason for your face corners jumbo size congratulation!

#93. Competitive exams are not so easy but you do it with competency and had a brilliant result, many Many Congratulations!

All The Best Wishes and Good Luck For Exam sucess

#95. You have shown everyone that you are the true source of inspiration to others. Proud of you and congratulations on passing the exams with awesome grades.

#96. We always knew that without any fear, you will pass the exams. Let’s celebrate your success in the coolest way.

#97. Congratulations on passing the college entrance exams, enjoy college life to the fullest.

#98. Doing well in exams is the only shortcut to success. Well done.

#99. My Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are dedicated to celebrating the success of a bright student like you. I am going to treat you with Likes, Retweets, Pins, and Shares. Congratulations.

#100. Age-old wisdom says that hard work always pays off in life, and you have proven that it holds even today. Congratulations.

#101. Exams and grades are temporary, but education is permanent. Congratulations.

#102. Now that you’ve got good grades, everyone around you will have to live up to your benchmark. Congratulations, thanks for making our lives miserable.

#103. There will be a vibrant rainbow in the sky today because you’ve passed an important test with flying colors. Congratulations.

#104. Kudos to you for passing this important exam. I hope your result motivates you to pass every challenge that life throws at you.

#105. Getting good grades will get you into a good college. Getting into a good college will help you get a good job. Getting a good job will help you have a good career. As you can see, good grades are the stepping stone to a good life. Congratulations.

#106. For a change, your girlfriend, mom, dad, brother, sister, teacher, and friends have the same feelings for you today – they are all very Proud of You for passing your exams. Congratulations.

#107. The fact that you scored well in your exams does not come as a surprise to me. I always knew that you were destined to be successful – and these exams are just the beginning. Congratulations.

#108. I heard the good news, you were exempted for your three subjects in the final exams. I am so happy to hear that, because of that, I am treating you free dinner! Congratulations!

#109. I am so proud of you son, passing your exams successfully means you take my advice seriously. Congratulations (name), I love you. Keep up the good work.

#110. You are a perfect example of students who do the hard work and made yourself and your parents proud. By seeing you, we understand there is no secret to success. Preparation and hard work are all that make you successful.

#111. Well done! You made the day unforgettable. Congrats on achieving victory in academics.

#112. Glad on hearing your results. You continued your winning league. Congratulation on putting one more step ahead towards your bright future.

#113. The exam is just a test to check if you have been able to understand what you have been learning but make sure that life takes a similar test and you will have to work hard to clear that. Best of luck.

#114. To me you are so dear; I always knew that you would pass your exam without any fear. It is a time to celebrate your success in our own coolest way, congratulations to you on such a day!

#115. Congratulation on your success. The day brings joy and a smile because you gave your knowledge and talent to make your dream true. I wish you cheer on 0this joy forever in your life.

#116. Best wishes as you passed your test! The journey of a hundred miles starts from a single step. Keep the courage as you face new challenges in life.

#117. We are never perfect but have to do our best. You have shown that you are a champion.

#118. Try to acknowledge their hardship and say sweet and encouraging words to the struggling students! A little motivation can go a long way, so don’t hold back when the students put up their best efforts for any test or exam.

#119. Congratulations on Passing Exams and Tests: In school or college, encouragement is one of the best ways to motivate students. Inspirational quotes and motivational words are perfect ways to sow the seeds of a bright future. Whether it is for bar exams, school projects, SAT, boards, college entrance tests, semester paper submissions – take ideas from this post to acknowledge good grades and results. Parents can congratulate their sons and daughters with handwritten notes left on bedside tables along with a small gift as a reward for doing well. Teachers can make cute greeting cards for students who go beyond their coursework and work hard. Friends deserve tweets, Facebook likes, and shares on Pinterest. Colleagues and bosses can be given formal congratulatory pats via email. Girlfriends and boyfriends can congratulate each other with sweet texts and more. So what are you waiting for? Inspire students to do more.

Thank You Images For All The Best Wishes and Good Luck

Looking for the best congratulations for passing the exam and good result and quotes and Good Luck quotes Wishes thank you images, photos & pictures? Love these congratulations messages for All The Best Wishes pictures that can be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, and others. Top of the congratulations messages with funny images for good luck on your thank you funny motivational words for All The Best Wishes. See more ideas about What to say to you appreciate? appreciation quotes, congratulation messages, heartfelt all the best wishes for you with images.

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