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Funny Quotes

85 Funniest Quotes and Sayings That are Funny Words

Some of our favorite hilarious “Funniest Quotes and Sayings That are Funny Words.”

Funniest Quotes and Sayings

Whether you’re having a bad day or know someone who could use a little cheering up, laughter is the best medicine — plus, there are so many ways to tickle your funny bone. Turn that frown upside down with these hilarious sayings about life, love, friendship, and work.

Funniest Quotes and Sayings

#1. “You never know what I have up my sleeve. Today, for example, it was a dryer sheet.”

#2. “Yesterday, I wanted cookies. Today, I am eating cookies. Follow your dreams.”

#3. “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a salad, asking it to be 3 tacos, 2 margaritas, and an order of queso.”

#4. “I’m sweatpants on before 6:30 pm years old.”

#5. “I love sweatshirt season. Am I wearing a bra? Who knows. Am I wearing what I wore to bed under it? Maybe.”

#6. “Someday I reeses will solve my problems with critical thinking, but today it will be with chocolate.”

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#7. “It’s beginning to look a lot like cocktails.”

#8. “I’m glad you’re learning to laugh at yourself. That was kind of getting awkward for the rest of us.”

#9. “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise, it won’t be boring. Yourhomebo”

#10. “Behind every angry woman stands a man… Who has absolutely no idea what he did wrong.”

#11. “What doesn’t kill you makes you…the proud owner of a bunch of unhealthy coping mechanisms and an alarmingly dark sense of humor.”

#12. “Yes, this messy bun took 28374 tries.”

#13. “Someone: name one thing you wanna try in the bedroom. Me: getting a full 8 hours of sleep.”

#14. “The most dangerous game to play: resting your eyes’ in the morning after turning off your alarm.”

#15. “Some days you eat salads and go to the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants. It’s called balance.”

#16. “It’s all fun and games until Monday rolls around and you have to put a bra back on.”

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#17. “Do ittttt! – Me, encouraging shenanigans @rebel circus”

#18. “Does refusing to go to the gym count as resistance training.”

#19. “Don’t tell me to stop eating so many tacos. I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.”

#20. “My Saturday was going pretty well until I realized it was Sunday.”

#21. “Alexa. Skip to Friday.”

#22. “I’ve given up on getting a bikini body. The good lord put alcohol & carbs on this planet for a reason & I’ll be damned to let him down.”

#23. “If someone touches your soul, let them touch your butt.”

#24. “My favorite sport is a track… …ing my online orders.”

#25. “Safety 1st jk coffee 1st. Safety’s like 3rd or 4th cray crazy rich Asia necessary lies.”

#26. “Let your weird light …shine bright. So the other weirdos can find you.”

#27. “Coffee my hot friend I was telling you about.”

#28. “There has never been a sadness that can’t be cured by breakfast food -ron swanson”

#29. “69% Of people find something dirty in everything they read.”

#30. “I don’t care who dies in a movie, as long as the dog lives.”

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#31. “Always jingle all the way. Nobody likes a half-assed jingler. Cup of cheer.”

#32. “Be kind to everyone you meet. You never know who lost an argument with a 3-year-old today.”

#33. “Il e doyle 20 I wandered around Target for an hour and called it a long walk.”

#34. “If you wanna impress me with your car, it better be a food truck. Hello lovely studio”

#35. “As long as everything is exactly the way I want it. I can be flexible.”

#36. “If you had to choose between eating tacos every day or being thin for the rest of your life would you choose hard or soft tacos”

#37. “80% Health goddess, 20% cookie monster self.”

#38. “I want to pause adulting & lower the difficulty.”

#39. “On a scale of one to ten, how focused are you? Banana.”

#40. “I don’t flirt, I just talk. It isn’t my fault that everything I say is smoother than the cream cheese spread on your bagel.”

#41. “Diet tip: your pants never get too tight if you don’t wear any.”

#42. “Confuse your doctor by putting on rubber gloves at the same time he does.”

#43. “I’m not useless. I can be used as a bad example.”

#44. “If I die and my family goes through my phone. They’re gonna be like, “This nasty lil bitch was crazier than we thought”.”

#45. “Gonna go lay under the Christmas tree to remind my family that I’m a gift.”

#46. “..on the bright side, I am not addicted to cocaine.”

#47. “You say “bathrobe.” “1 I say “casual wrap dress.’ 11 Let’s not get caught up in details.”

#48. “It was me, I let the dogs out”

#49. “I’m not a ride-or-die chick. I have questions where are we riding why do I have to die can we get food on the way.”

#50. “I wonder what the people who write “u” and “ur” do with all their extra time.”

#51. “On Sundays, my coffee is recreational. As opposed to weekdays when it is medicinal.”

#52. “Keep your dreams alive. Hit the snooze button.”

#53. “Don’t tell me to stop eating so many tacos. I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.”

#54. “My dentist told me I need a crown. I was like I know, right?’”

#55. “I didn’t see anyone today so I’m wearing this again tomorrow.”

#56. “I have a ton of excitement in my life. I used to call it to stress, but I feel much better now that I call it excitement.”

#57. “I choked on a carrot this afternoon and all I could think was “I bet a donut wouldn’t have done this to me.”

#58. “I just did a week’s worth of cardio after walking into a spider web.”

#59. “I can’t turn water into wine, but I can turn pizza into breakfast.”

#60. “You never realize how little self-control you have until the chips and salsa are in front of you at a Mexican restaurant.”

#61. “When is a taco-bod season because otinderonians I’m ready for that.”

#62. “That’s a horrible idea. What time?.”

#63. “Am still kinda mad about that one time u 2 put their new album on my phone without asking.”

#64. “During the day I don’t believe in ghosts at night I’m a little more open-minded”

#65. “I thought I was a good person but the way I react when people drive slowly in the left lane would suggest otherwise.”

#66. “I talk an awful lot of smack for someone who tips over when putting on their underwear.”

#67. “I’m in a good place right now. Not emotionally. I’m just at the liquor store.”

#68. “One of the weirder things about being an adult is having a favorite stovetop burner. Yet nobody talks about it.”

#69. “I doubt vodka is the answer but it’s worth a shot.”

#70. “New Year came out all looking like a warm chocolate chip cookie. Then one bite and bam. Oatmeal raisin.”

#71. “I want buns of steel but I also want buns of cinnamon”

#72. “Having plans sounds like a good idea until you have to put on clothes and leave your house. Kushandwizdom.tumblr”

#73. “What a year this week has been.”

#74. “It’s like kids can just smell us relaxing.”

#75. “My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch… I call it lunch 35k.”

#76. “I walk around like everything is fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.”

#77. “Sundays carbs don’t count. Those are the lord’s carbs and he wants you to be happy.”

#78. “I hate to cancel. I know we made plans to get together tonight but that was two hours ago. I was younger then, and full of hope.”

#79. “I spend 500% of my life exaggerating.”

#80. “I always carry a knife in my purse. You know, in the case of cheesecake or something. Be happy. me”

#81. “I’d be a terrible superhero. I’d see the signal calling in the sky from home and be like “I just sat down.”

#82. “The trick is to not let people know how weird you are until it’s too late for them to back out.”

#83. “Sucks that coronavirus hit during allergy season. I’m over here like I can’t tell if I have 5 days to live or if I need to take a Claritin.”

#84. “If you have to force it, leave it. Relationships. Friendships. Yoga poses. Perfect ponytails. Let that shit go.”

#85. “We’re all brave in our way. For example, I am not afraid of raw cookie dough.”

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