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Sorry Messages and Quotes

145 Heart Touching I’m Sorry Messages For Wife – Romantic and Sweet

Look to these romantic love messages to send to that special someone. From deep notes for your spouse to more flirty texts for your wife or girlfriend. Love messages are perfect for expressing your love. Find love messages for him, for her, and anyone else in your life.

Heart Touching I’m Sorry Messages For Wife – romantic and sweet. There are times in life when the wrong moment and bad behavior can cause severe problems in your marriage and your relationship with your wife. In those moments, you should take all the responsibility for your actions and say your sincere apologies to her. Naturally, women’s hearts are softer than men’s. They can’t tolerate rudeness. So, even a little sorrow can bring lots of tears to their eyes. But you can quickly turn their grief into a smile with these heartfelt sorry messages for your wife. See more ideas quotes about wife quotes, sad quotes, sad love quotes, I’m sorry quotes, sorry messages, apologies for quotes, I’m sorry paragraphs.

Romantic Sorry Messages for Wife

#1. I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never meant to give you such pain. Can you forgive me this time? Please?

#2. I feel so ashamed of myself for hurting you in this way. Please accept my sincere apology and give me another chance.

#3. Let’s get over the past together and set up a new lease on faith and love. I am sorry and I know we will win.

i m sorry paragraphs for wife

I m sorry paragraphs for wife

#4. Every time I see you hurt, my heart melts and breaks. Please forgive me so I can become a happy man again.

#5. I know I was wrong for claiming that I was right. I promise to always give your views a good look. Please accept my apologies.

#6. Every time I remember that I hurt you, I feel guilt hanging all over me. I am now a captive of my deeds, and you have the keys to my prison door. Please forgive me.

#7. I am truly penitent, dear. Let me suffer the guilt of my wrongs by working hard to pave a new path and prove myself to you once again.

#8. I know I was wrong. I know my words made you cry, but trust me, I never meant to hurt you. I don’t know what happened to me at that time. Please forgive me.

#9. I never meant to insult you. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to put you through pain, and I promise to never do this again. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

#10. I won’t let my attitude destroy our relationship. Forgive me, my sunshine.

#11. To my sweet and lovely wife, with all the love, I say sorry baby! That time, I lost control and said many bad words. But now I’m really very sorry about that. Please forgive me, my love!

#12. Dear sweetheart! Do you know how much I love you? I love you more than anything else. That time, I made a mistake. I’m extremely sorry for that. Please talk to me!

#13. My love! I love you so much and forever. I confess that I made a mistake and I will never repeat it. Forgive me and I’m very sorry for my activities!

#14. I know you never deserve any of these things that I did to you. Sorry!

#15. I’m really very sorry for being so rude and hurting you. I’m the one who started the fight and right now I am feeling very down. Please, lift me with your love. Forgive me, sweetheart.

romantic sorry messages

romantic sorry messages

#16. The way I hurt you broke me from the inside. I’m sorry for the fight and am asking for your forgiveness with my weeping heart. Please accept my heartiest apology.

#17. I have loved you with all my heart till now and will keep doing that. I am sorry for talking to you rudely. I should never have.

#18. I am so cold without your love; so alone. The faint flicker of hope that you can forgive me is all that keeps me alive.

#19. I am so sorry for making you question your choices. Take my hand, and let’s walk side by side again.

#20. Each day without you, my wife, I sink a little deeper into a pit of despair. I need the strength that your companionship offers.

#21. You are better than me when it comes to these emotional issues. I am to rise to your understanding. I am sorry for letting you down.

#22. You are the kind of woman who only comes around once in a lifetime. I am probably the most fortunate man to have you as my wife. I am sorry that I hurt you. Please accept my apology and let us heal together.

Sweet Sorry Message for Wife

#24. An old proverb says that ‘To err is human, to forgive divine. Why don’t you be the divine and beautiful goddess that you are and forgive a mere mortal like me?

#25. I promise to become an ideal husband and the man of your dreams. I’ll never hurt you again, I swear.

#26. When we’re not right, nothing is right. Please let me make it up to you, my beautiful wife.

sorry message for wife

sorry message for wife

#27. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to win your heart again. I promise to be the husband you deserve.

#28. This rose is nowhere as beautiful as your face, as soft as your heart, or as fragrant as your love, but I hope you will accept it, and allow me to make everything up for you.

#29. I’m sorry for letting ridiculous things come between us. No one is as important to me as you, my precious wife.

#30. You are my better half, and I promise to improve if you give me one more chance.

#31. As I ruined everything, give me a chance to make everything alright. I need your help, dear.

#32. Sweetheart! I’m very sorry because I hurt you. I didn’t hurt you willfully. I was very tense at that time. I hope you’ll forgive me!

#33. Sweetheart! I hope you will forgive me for my rough activities last night. I didn’t understand what to do or not to do. Now I feel very sorry for that. Forgive me for such bad actions.

#34. The matter we fought for was meaningless, but through this, I have given sorrow to your delicate mind. I am sorry, darling. I promise you that it will not happen again. Click to tweet this sorry message to your wife.

#35. I always love and respect you. But like any other person, I am also not free from all mistakes. So, please don’t be upset with my delusions. Click to tweet this sorry message to your wife.

#36. We can’t avoid all the unexpected moments in our daily life. But I believe that our love is strong enough to tackle any unwanted situations between us. Sorry for everything, my darling.

#37. I am not tolerant enough like you, and you know it’s one of my vital weaknesses. So, please don’t be angry with me.

#38. You might not be able to feel my real regrets, but if you put your hand on my chest, you might perceive that my heart is crying in sorrow. I love you, my dearest. Click to tweet this sorry message to your wife.

Apology Messages for Wife

#40. Many tears dropped from your eyes because of the way I hurt you. Today I promise that I will convert every fallen tear of yours into a precious pearl. I’m sorry.

#41. Big or small, lies are lies. I’m ashamed that I made you cry. In regret, I’m miserably drowning. I’m desperately waiting for your forgiveness.

#42. I can’t imagine hurting you intentionally. It was a pure accident that occurred yesterday. Sorry, darling.

sorry msg for wife

sorry msg for wife

#43. I was wondering what happened to me last night. Please pardon me for all the unpleasant matters and smile, please.

#44. I am sorry for misbehaving with you, darling. I have realized my mistake, so please forgive me now. Click to tweet this sorry message to your wife.

#45. I am ashamed of my rough behavior with you, dearest. So would you please pardon me and give me another chance to become a better person?

#46. Please don’t mind the displeasing situation. I am sorry about that, my dearest. Take it as an accident.

#47. You are the best wife in the world and I wish I could say that I am the best husband in the world. I am sorry for my actions!

#48. Baby, I didn’t do it on purpose. I regret it from my heart. I can’t stay without you and can’t stay apart. Please forgive me now and end this part. I am so sorry!

#49. You don’t deserve to be talked to rudely and I feel like a horrible husband for talking to you badly. Please forgive me!

#50. Sorry for hurting you baby. I never meant to be so heartless. Please forgive me. Without your love, I’m worthless.

#51. My mornings and nights are never the same after the night of our fight. I always cry to sleep. I always had sleepless nights. I hope you will forgive me because I feel so sad and sorry for what happened to us. Sorry!

#52. Each day I can really feel the distance growing between us. It is tearing me apart. I admit that it was my fault and I want to say “sorry” for what I have done wrong. I’m asking for forgiveness and hopefully, we can be happy again. I love you, my dear!

#53. My dear (name of your wife), I am so sorry. The following days, I realized my mistake. Please let me make it up to you. I’m sorry. I will wait for your call. I love you.

#54. I love you and will love you forever. It is through this beautiful message that I am very sorry and also seeks an apology for hurting you yesterday. I hope you will forgive me for the same. ”

#55. I don’t know how to begin, but I just want you to know that I miss you very much after our misunderstanding. I’m sorry to my wife for everything. I just wish it ended now. I truly miss your smile, laugh, kisses and hugs.

Sorry Quotes for Wife

#57. There are times when you may feel that the situation has gone beyond your control. But remember that it is never too late to apologize for your mistakes. While it takes courage to ask for a chance to prove yourself, these messages help make the task a bit easier.

#58. My sweet angel, how could I have been so thoughtless? It breaks my heart to see the emptiness in your eyes. Please give me the chance to bring back their sparkle.

#59. The heart that knows how to bow down and say SORRY is the heart that loves the most.

apology quotes for wife

apology quotes for wife

#60. I don’t know what the hell has gotten into me. I have never been so irritable in my entire life. I am sorry I was rude to you yesterday. I did not mean anything I said to you.

#61. Thank you for being my wife and for being my guide. You have been very patient with me, and I have erred again. Please forgive me.

#62. You are a wonderful wife with a big heart. I am nothing without you. Please forgive my boorishness last night, and let me learn to be more like you.

#63. Someday, this will be one of our inside jokes. But right now, I am feeling so low that I’ve made you angry with my bad behavior. I’m sorry, darling.

#64. Nothing is right in this world if I can’t make this right. Please give me another chance to become a better version of myself. Forgive me, please.

#65. For all the mean things I said, I’m sorry. For all the times I’ve been rude, I’m sorry. For all the times I made you cry, I’m sorry. For all the times I haven’t been the man I promised you to be… I am sorry.

#66. Sorry is a small word for the big mistake I’ve made. But believe me, the price of my actions has been heavily paid. Every single second away from you is like a dagger in my heart. Punish me any way you want to… But I can’t stand being apart. I am sorry!

#67. My heart is trapped in regret and it needs your forgiveness to set it free. I love you.

#68. I can’t feel regret, I can’t feel remorse because the guilt of breaking your heart makes me numb from the inside out. I’m sorry.

#69. Dear! I never mean to hurt you, I never mean to insult you and I never mean to give you such pain. It was my mistake and I am sorry for that. Please give me one last chance baby!

#70. I promise to be the true man of your life. My wedding vows include being a good husband and a good provider for our family. I failed to do that. I have been selfish and expected too much from you. I am sorry dear; I will try my best to be faithful to my promise.

#71. I know I am not worthy of your love, but you still chose me to be your husband. I am really sorry honey. I promised not to be late at night, but I came so late last night. Much worse, I did not consider you waiting for me while I drank all night with my friends. Please forgive me. I will make up for my mistake.

#72. I am sorry (name of wife) for not supporting you with your interests. I know that you have dreamt of taking a course in fashion. I was insensitive to disagreeing at first, but I realized that part of loving you is accepting who you are and supporting what you love.

#73. Our commitment is a lifetime. That is why I am begging you now to forgive me. I am sorry for what I have done. I want to make this relationship work. Please come back to our home. I promise things will be better between us.

#74. My apology comes straight from my heart, not only from my mouth. Please believe that I am truly sorry for what I did. Please forgive me, honey.

Sincere I’m Sorry Quotes & Messages for Wife

#76. My heart is trapped in the gallows of regret… Only your forgiveness can set it free. I love you, baby.

#77. I am sorry for being a nag and continuously telling you what to do. It’s just that I’m uber protective when it comes to you. Sorry.

#78. Our married life was supposed to be a romantic comedy, but my actions made it seem like a horror story. I’m sorry. I promise that I’ll be the hero that you deserve and give it the happy ending it deserves.

sorry quotes for wife

sorry quotes for wife

#79. I have always chosen everything in my life very carefully, but I faltered when I called you names. I promise that from now on, I will choose my words carefully too. I’m sorry.

#80. I am sorry that we fought and argued. I am sorry for all the trouble that ensued. I am sorry I took you for granted. I promise it wasn’t what I had intended. I’m sorry I made you feel bad. Forgive me, baby… I’m going mad.

#81. I am sorry that I lied. But I am not lying when I say sorry. Please forgive me, sweetheart.

#82. I haven’t eaten properly, I haven’t slept well and I haven’t shaved. I’ll be this way until my wife forgives me for the way I behaved. Xoxo

#83. I’m not going to let a few fights scar our love’s innocence. I promise to never lie again, not even once. Xoxo

#84. I confess and I admit that I was WRONG… Baby, please forgive me because I know that our love is RIGHT.

#85. Your sweet smile is the light at the end of all of my life’s dark tunnels. I love you.

#86. I don’t know what you expect of me as your husband, but I expect myself to be nothing but the best… In that, I’ve faltered. I’m sorry.

#87. I’m sorry for feeling so protective… It’s just that I can’t bear to see anything take away that smile on your face.

#88. I know, I’ve been a complete jerk. Take your time, take however long it takes… I’ll be right here, waiting with my arms wide open. I’m sorry.

#89. My ears are longing to hear words of forgiveness from your lips. I promise never to do it again, my precious wife.

#90. Like your husband, my job is to protect and cherish your heart, and sadly, I have failed. Please give me one more opportunity to try again.

Heart Touching I’m Sorry Quotes For Wife

#92. I am sorry for hurting you so deeply, sweet wife. I want to be your hero again. Can you forgive me?

#93. I feel bad for making you sad. I feel guilty for making you question my intentions. I am sorry. Baby, please forgive me.

#94. Honey, give me a chance to make it up to you. I know where I got it wrong, and I am determined to do better next time. Please give me the chance to show you my efforts to become a better man.

#95. It is impossible to change the past. You have my promise to make it up to you in the future. I am truly sorry.

#96. Love means compromise. I concede my mistake to you. So, please calm down now. Love you.

#97. You are not only my wife, you are my everything. How can I live well if you leave me so angrily?

#98. I don’t understand sometimes what happens to me. I became crazy and couldn’t tolerate anything. But I know you are kind enough to forgive me for anything wrong on my side. Click to tweet this sorry message to your wife.

#99. You are my sweet wife, and I am your naughty husband. So you may have to pardon me frequently for my incivility.

#100. I concede, sometimes I become rude to you. But believe me, I become more upset than you when I do anything wrong with you. Click to tweet this sorry message to your wife.

#101. How can you leave my closeness when you know that whatever happens, I can’t live a moment without you?

#102. There are no limits to my remorse and guilt. You have no idea how badly I miss you. I acted in a state of unawareness. Now all I ask humbly, my queen, is for a chance to prove myself to you.

#103. More than what I did, I am ashamed of who I have become. Please forgive me and I promise you will see the best of me in the time to come.

#104. My heart is trapped in regret and only your love and compassion can set it free. I love you and I am sorry my sweetheart.

#105. I am sorry dear, for telling you what to do. It is just that it is my job to protect you and I will do that with my whole being but I must learn how to do it in a way that honors you at the same time. Please show me how.

#106. Give me a chance to show that you are my life’s most precious treasure. I love you and I am sorry.

#107. Nothing is right in this world if I can’t make this right. Please give me another chance to become a better version of myself. I am sorry, my dearest.

Apology Quotes Letter For Wife & Sorry Text Messages

#109. Your beautiful smile has been hiding lately, and I know I’m the reason. I’m sorry for taking you for granted. You are an amazing wife, and I love you.

#110. May my apology be so sincere that you can feel it in your heart. I’m sorry for every hurtful word that came out of my mouth.

#111. My bad attitude has put a permanent scar on your heart, and I will regret that for the rest of my life. I promise to work hard to be the loving man you married.

#112. I’m sorry for not bringing my best to our marriage. Please know that you are the girl of my dreams, and I will work hard to earn your trust again.

#113. I’m a bit too protective of you. That’s all there is to this mess. I promise I’ll keep a tab on my jealousy to restore our love’s happiness.

#114. I lied to you and even tried to cover it up on the run, which made me look like a nasty villain. But I promise you that the tolerance for lies in our relationship is ZERO, and I’ll prove it to you by being your HERO.

#115. I’m sorry that in your eyes, I couldn’t stand tall. You, of all the people in the world, don’t deserve this at all. Smiles on your face, I desperately want to see… the man I really am. I promise to be him.

#116. Sorry for hurting you baby. I never meant to be so heartless. Please forgive me… Without your love, I’m truly worthless.

#117. Love means always being ready to say you’re sorry when you’re wrong. I was wrong, my dear. I’m sorry for not seeing that sooner.

#118. I am ready to face the music because it was my fault. I’m sorry for not seeing that right away, my darling wife.

#119. We vowed to stay together, but I have not made it easy for you. Please accept my apologies for not being a supportive husband. I will do better given another chance.

#120. I still marvel at my good fortune of having a beautiful and loving wife. But I’ve hurt you, and I’m very sorry for that.

#121. No matter how low I go, it seems that your arms are always open for me. I don’t deserve such grace. I promise to try harder, sweet wife.

Sorry Images and Sad Quotes About Love for Wife

Sorry is a small word but the meaning is deep. It makes me weep as you are not talking to me. Please forgive me! I am sorry!

I will not really plead for forgiveness to you. But I would say simple sorry to you. I promise that this will never happen again. If you think I am at fault, then I simply apologize from my end. Sorry for everything and all the things that I have told you. I am really sorry!

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