Congratulation Messages Wishes
110 Retirement Wishes For Coworker and Colleague – What to Write in a Retirement Card
Retirement messages show your appreciation and well wishes for the people you’ve worked closely with. It may help you keep the connection strong as people move on to their next stage, and it can foster a stronger sense of teamwork among those who remain at your business. Here is sample retirement wishes that you can customize for your use when you have the opportunity to wish a treasured colleague all of the best in retirement. These retirement words wish the coworker the very best thoughts for the future. Check out a few examples of retirement messages.
1: Best wishes for your retirement. You are an inspirational figure for all of us. We will remember you and your teaching forever.
2: I’ll miss our afternoon meetings and trips to the coffee shop – stay in touch during retirement!
3: You’ve been an amazing employee and friend here. It’s been a pleasure working with you. I’ll miss your energy, enthusiasm, and most of all, your unfailing dedication to helping this place function a little better every day. Have a very happy retirement!
4: No matter how many college degrees, skill development courses, and professional accreditations you have received, there is one more qualification you will still receive after your retirement – A master of Doing Nothing. Congratulations.
5: Don’t be a stranger! You may be done working here, but the team will always be here for you.
6: It’s been such a pleasure working with you. Your hard work and dedication have set an example for us all. We wish you a wonderful retirement!
7: I’ve lost track of all the brilliant and creative ideas you’ve had over the years. It has been a privilege having you as a coworker and a friend, and I hope to continue our friendship.
8: Busy Monday mornings, working late shifts, horrible coffee, and a demanding boss… of course, we know you’ll miss all this! Congratulations on your retirement from your jealous coworkers!
9: The time you spent teaching at this school may be finished, but you will always remain a teacher at heart. It’s time to spend some time with yourself after having such a great influence on your pupils’ lives. Happy retirement.
10: You are the most caring, selfless, and loving teacher the students have ever had! I will always cherish the times we spent together here.
11: Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. The accounting team won’t be the same without you!
12: Retirement — the only time in your life when it’s okay to spend your entire life savings. Congratulations, you made it!
13: Retiring is like falling in love for the first time. Thinking about it gives you butterflies in the stomach and you will never know how it feels until you retire. Happy retirement.
14: Retirement is the opportunity that life has given you to stop complaining about not having the time or chance to do what you always wanted. Congratulations.
15: We’re so glad to have had the chance to work with you these past [insert how many] years. It’s been delightful getting to know you as a coworker and friend, and we’re sad to see you go. We hope you have a very happy retirement and enjoy your newfound freedom!
16: Happy retirement to an old friend. Since I won’t see you at the office every day, I’ll be sure to stop by unannounced every week.
17: It was great working with you! Your work truly produced an everlasting impact, and one that has changed the community for the better in so many ways. Congratulations on your retirement!
18: We have learned so much from you. Thanks for all your hard work and services. We as well as our students will miss you a lot. We wish you a great future ahead. Congratulations on your retirement.
19: “For many, retirement is a time for personal growth, which becomes the path to greater freedom.” – Robert Delamontague
20: I hope you have a wonderful time writing your next chapter! Just don’t make it boring for us readers! Happy retirement!
21: Happy retirement! We will miss you at the office!
22: Many congratulations to you! We are so proud of all you’ve achieved in your career, and now it’s time for a well-deserved change of pace! Enjoy your retirement.
23: It was great to work alongside you on so many projects. We’ll miss you in retirement!
24: “Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement! Wishing you all the best in the new chapter ahead of you! It has been a pleasure to work with you.”
25: If this workplace were a hell, which it is, you’d be one of the greatest devils of it, and you’d be missed.
26: Enjoy retirement! I will surely miss our coffee breaks and seeing you around the office, but this is an exciting time for you and your family.
27: “Days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.” – Marcus Aurelius
28: Congratulations on earning this retirement. Wishing you happy times.
29: Congratulations on your long-awaited retirement – we’re so happy for you. Enjoy spending more time with your beautiful grandkids!
30: I can’t believe you’ve finally retired. I’m so jealous of you! I hope you will enjoy your new amazing life and share your experiences with me. Happy retirement, buddy!
31: Goodbye tension, hello pension! Have a good retirement!
32: Boss… I’m happy that you’re finally retiring. Now I’ll be able to tell you anything I want to without worrying about getting canned. Good luck with your retirement.
33: “Congratulations on your retirement, boss! I remember the first time we met during my interview — you spoke to me with sincerity, you showed me your passion for the job, and I instantly recognized your leadership skills. It’s been a wonderful experience to have you as my boss, and I am glad to see your retirement plan happen. I’ll be saving you a spot at my table anytime when we’re able to get together and I can express my gratitude to you in person.”
34: Now you can take 6-month holidays twice a year because you are retired. Happy retirement!
35: You’ve worked so hard for so long – you deserve to take it easy for a change. Enjoy your retirement!
36: Congrats on an amazing 30-year career! You’ll be missed.
37: Don’t retire with regrets about what you couldn’t do. Retire with ambitions of what you will do now. Congratulations.
38: Retirement is the awesome reward for all the war-torn battles fought in the boardroom. Congratulations boss.
39: As you begin this new life, I want you to remember that you are not too old to make new goals. Go for the things you want because you deserve them.
40: Goodbye early meetings and hello early bird specials! Enjoy your retirement!
41: I can’t believe you’re retiring! Congratulations and enjoy every minute because you deserve it! Thank you for everything you’ve accomplished for this firm!
42: “I have so many favorite memories of growing up with you that it’s hard for me to pick just one. But one memory that stands out is the time I was worried about not getting an A on my sixth-grade math exam. You tutored me every day of the week leading up to the exam to help me prepare for my test. With your help, I ended up getting an A on that test and in my class. You were always kind, patient, and the best brother to me! Congratulations on your retirement. Lots of love from your younger brother!”
43: It’s been fantastic working at your side all these years. Congratulations on your retirement, and be sure to avoid work like the plague from now on!
44: I’m secretly jealous of your early retirement, but I’ll attend your retirement party anyway.
45: Congratulations on your retirement and your wonderful career!
46: Congratulations! Being a teacher takes a lot of perseverance, insight, and hard work. All your life, you have been a fantastic teacher. It’s time to relax and take in all your hard work results.
47: As you retire, remember that you have left behind a legacy of encouragement, achievement, and work ethic that will always be part of your coworkers. Congratulations.
48: “I can still remember the first time we met — it was the first day of practice on our rec league soccer team at the young age of 26 and I was impressed at how you were always finding the back of the net! After we the whole team went out and you were so engaged when we chatted that it felt like I was talking with an old friend. Decades later, we are now officially old friends! You deserve a wonderful retirement, good physical health, and more time to spend with your grandkids and loved ones. Maybe we can join a seniors rec league when I retire too! Happy retirement and congratulations!”
49: The countdown is over! And now it’s time to stop marking the days off your calendar. Onward to the next journey! I can’t wait to see what else you do.
50: Your new job is to make sure you have a wonderful time in retirement. The workdays are flexible and you have total authority over your schedule!
51: Some people retire too early and regret wasting their lives. Some people retire too late and regret overworking. But your timing is perfect. Congratulations.
52: Dear boss, your retirement is life’s way of letting you know it is time you put your friends and family before your work. Happy retirement!
53: Don’t act your age in retirement. Act like the inner young person you have always been. Happy retirement dear!
54: May you spend the time, effort, and energy on yourself that you always wanted. Keep smiling and take care of yourself.
55: It is a mixed feeling to say goodbye to you, I am sad from the bottom of my heart as you will not be here to inspire us, but I am happy too as you can live your life on your own. Happy retirement boss.
56: It’s impossible to overstate how valuable you’ve been to our team – we wish you the very best in your retirement!
57: Congratulations on your retirement. With a whole world of free time, now is the time to revisit your bucket list.
58: Let happiness permeate your life since you have been one of the best and most compassionate teachers in the world. I hope your retirement years are fulfilling!
59: Best wishes to you and your family. Happy retirement!
60: We’ll remember the fantastic work you did for this company. We appreciate your time and dedication. Congratulations on your retirement.
61: The school will feel empty without you. Every teacher and student will miss having you here. Best wishes for a happy retirement! Goodbye to you, sir.
62: It was a joy working with someone as passionate and professional as you. You’ve made a positive impact on my work experience here, and I will miss you greatly.
63: Retirement marks the culmination of a career spent achieving success in the business world and the genesis of a career in enjoying the fruits of that success. Happy retirement.
64: Having you as a coworker has been nothing but a delight. I wish you a fantastic retirement life! We’ll miss you and never forget you.
65: Goodbye to the coats and ties. You are all officially retired!
66: Now that you’ve retired, make sure you work just as hard at relaxing as you have for us! Thanks for all your support and advice over the years – you’ve been a great coworker and friend. All the best for a wonderful retirement!
67: Congrats! May this retirement be the best part of your life.
68: Retirement is not as scary as you may think. It’s really fun. Now you are free to do whatever you want to and nobody will judge you for that. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Enjoy!
69: You are a wonderful human being. Plus, you have proven to be one of the most amiable, loyal, and hardworking employees. Your arrival each morning brightens the atmosphere in the office. I truly hope your future endeavors go well for you.
70: Cheers to your retirement. I can’t believe you did it.
71: Congratulations on your retirement! Wishing you and your family all the peace and happiness in this new chapter ahead.
72: Cheers to your retirement! So, where will we be traveling to first?
73: Happy retirement to the oldest dinosaur on planet Earth! Can’t believe that my dear friend is retiring. I hope that you will not get bored from doing nothing and enjoy your endless free time. Godspeed.
74: After everything you’ve done for us, it’s only fair for you to give your efforts to others in the world! Best wishes for your new endeavors.
75: Didn’t you only just start yesterday? Happy Retirement, friend!
76: May this new chapter bring you immeasurable joy, peace, love, and fulfillment.
77: I can’t believe I will be working as you nap. That’s not what friends do. Enjoy your retirement.
78: How wonderful were your moments with us, you have always won our hearts. Best wishes for the days ahead, dearest human being.
79: Retirement marks the end of a familiar phase and welcomes you to the new and exciting life you hope for. May you find joy in your retirement.
80: You have been a big part of the company. Your knowledge and years of experience brought the company to where it is today. Thank you for all the hard work! We will miss you so much!
81: Saying goodbye to a treasured employee can be bittersweet. As they move on to the next chapter in their lives, take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work and dedication.
82: Wishing you a wonderful retirement filled with good health, relaxation, and fun!
83: Congrats on your retirement. Have a wheelie good time!
84: Every student’s favorite teacher has always been you. You will be dearly missed. Have a wonderful retirement dear colleague!
85: You’ve been a pleasure to work with. Have the best retirement!
86: Your career ride may have been a roller coaster. We have gone through tough times, but we have seen better days. Now look who made it first! Congratulations on your retirement.
87: Congratulations on your retirement! Now go enjoy.
88: You’ve finally retired! You now have all the time in the world to do all those things you haven’t quite got around to. Let me know if you want some company!
89: Celebrating you today! Congratulations on your retirement!
90: Wishing you good health and happiness as you enter this next phase of life.
91: While you were our leader, you assisted us in realizing our dreams. I hope that once you retire, you can also realize your unrealized goals. Best wishes for your retirement, boss.
92: Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing retirement. You’ve earned it!
93: We’ll truly miss you around the office, but you deserve an amazing retirement.
94: “You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
95: Try not to waste away in front of the TV during retirement.
96: Good luck and congrats! I’m excited to see what awesome endeavors you will take on next.
97: The place isn’t going to be the same without your bad Dad jokes – enjoy your retirement!
98: Best wishes as you enter this next chapter of your life!
99: Congratulations! We hope you enjoy every minute of your retirement!
100: I’ll miss your energy, enthusiasm, and most of all, your unfailing dedication to helping this place function a little better every day. I wish you nothing but the best in your retirement.
101: I hope your retirement brings lots of rest. You deserve it after a long, successful career.
102: “Retirement means doing whatever I want to do. It means choice.” –Dianne Nahirny
103: As the wine gets finer with time, so are you. You are at your best time to start this retirement life. Enjoy!
104: You did it! Now go enjoy your life.
105: Say goodbye to tensions and hello to pension.
106: Today you begin an endless holiday, and I am so excited for you. Wishing you the best of times.
107: [Insert thoughtful message about retirement here] Oops, forgot to fill out your card – guess you can’t retire now!
108: Best wishes for your retirement. Cheers to all the long hours of toil, the deadlines met, and the presentations that led to this point.
109: Happy retirement!
110: Work will no longer be the same, dear. You will be greatly missed, and we offer our heartfelt congratulations and prayers your way.
111: Well done on reaching this milestone! I know your retirement won’t be dull for a single minute!
112: Infinite congratulations and best wishes to you, we are happy that you got the opportunity to go home.
113: Wishing you peace and relaxation in retirement.
114: I hate saying goodbyes because they make me cry. Yet, I would rather your last memory of me be a happy face. Therefore, I am writing this message to present this retirement card with a smile. If you see my tears, know it is because of the sweet memories together. Chao!
I hope you enjoyed our collection of retirement wishes and messages! Do take a look at our collection of 114 Retirement Quotes if you’re looking for more card message ideas.
If you’re looking for a personalized retirement gift or some funny retirement gag gift ideas, do take a look at these related articles below.

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