Self Improvement
How to Turbocharge Your Positive Thinking
If there was just ONE action which you could take to turbocharge your life I would say that first and foremost it would be thinking positively. They say 13 is an UNLUCKY number, but on this occasion, it is an exceptionally fortunate one for you. Below you will find 13 positive actions which if developed will DRAMATICALLY change your life.
To turbocharge your positive thinking, focus on eliminating negative self-talk and cultivating a mindset of positivity. Here are some strategies to help you achieve this:
- Challenge Negative Thoughts: When you catch yourself thinking negatively, challenge those thoughts by reframing them in a positive light. For example, instead of “I’ll never be able to do this,” say “I’ll learn and grow from this experience.”
- Practice Positive Self-Talk: Speak kindly to yourself and focus on your strengths and accomplishments. Use positive affirmations to boost your confidence and mood.
- Reframe Perspective: Look for the silver lining in challenging situations and focus on the opportunities they bring. Practice gratitude by acknowledging the good things in your life.
- Use Positive Word Association: Expose yourself to positive words and phrases regularly. This can be done through reading, meditation, or using a positive word workbook. By associating with positive words, you can rewire your brain to retrieve them more easily, making it simpler to think positively.
- Engage in Activities That Bring Joy: Do things that make you happy and fulfilled. This can help shift your focus away from negative thoughts and cultivate a more positive outlook.
By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can turbocharge your positive thinking and experience a more optimistic and fulfilling life. Remember, positive thinking is a skill that can be developed with practice and patience.
How to Turbocharge Your Positive Thinking
Good thinking about your life will potentially generate positive meaning and help you develop skills that last longer than a smile. People who are far smarter than me are researching the effect of positive thinking on your job, your wellbeing, and your life.
In the end, a lot of factors find it impossible to think positively. A lot of that can come from how we get programmed to continue with though. Taking the opportunity to know about yourself and even about how you thought. And lastly, take action around you and express your positive emotions.
Action One:
Make sure that you maintain a GREAT attitude at all times, WHATEVER happens around you or in your life. Remember that it is up to you and whether you react or respond to circumstances, the choice is TOTALLY yours! This habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Two:
Develop a TOTAL 101% belief in your self and the deep and positive certainty that you can do virtually ANYTHING which you put your mind to. It’s true you can, if you are prepared to stay focus and develop an IRON WILL mentality and determination. Then ANYTHING is possible! This habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Three:
Commit to giving ONGOING EFFORT and discipline to ALWAYS thinking positively. Just listen carefully to your internal dialogue, keep correcting and improving it. Prepare a STRONG positive image and positive mental anchor, a feeling which you can immediately switch your thoughts to and concentrate upon whenever you catch your mind drifting towards a negative thought. This habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Four:
ALWAYS looking for the positive side of every situation or circumstance, the silver lining in EVERYTHING which is ALWAYS present if you only look for it. You will always find a benefit if you have the right attitude. This habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Five:
Only SPEAK positively about others, OR NOT AT ALL, without EXCEPTION! Speaking behind someone else’s back is a negative action that usually results in highlighting your own poor attitude and lack of self-control. This is a HUGE test of personal character, and a habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Six:
Mind your own business and stay TOTALLY FOCUSED on your goals and objectives, and making them happen at ALL times! What I mean by this is that you should concentrate your energies on what is most important, and don’t waste a moment on ANYTHING which is not in your game plan. It’s really amazing how much time and effort we can spend on untargeted distractions in life. This habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Seven:
Get over any (excuse my language) CRAP which comes into your life QUICKLY! Within minutes, and with the MINIMUM of disruption to your objective and then get back to progressing and advancing your life in the direction of your choosing. Remember CRAP happens, but it does happen to EVERYONE, and how you handle it is what is most important. This habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Eight:
Become a practitioner of positive visualization of SUCCESSFUL outcomes in your life. Spending time mastering this amazingly POWERFUL technique will be one of the SMARTEST habits you ever develop. Make an intense and HIGH DEFINITION image or video in your mind which allows you to feel and enjoy your outcome before you have it. Enjoy it regularly…
Action Nine:
Stop accepting SECOND-BEST, and start going after what you REALLY want in your life, rather than only what you believe you can achieve or DESERVE. Right now you are probably only working at 15% – 20% of your potential at the VERY most, perhaps much less! So go after what you TRULY desire most in life, and if you wanted badly enough you will find a way to make it happen. This habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Ten:
Make a conscious effort to be HAPPY in all circumstances. Happiness is a choice, so start by SMILING, breathing deeply, holding your head high and thinking nice and positive thoughts, the more you do it, the EASIER will become. In general, other people love having happy people around them simply because they are so addictive. Generally, happy people are VERY successful people. This habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Eleven:
Always generate high voltage ENTHUSIASM and PASSION for your work, or for that matter WHATEVER you are doing. As the old saying goes; find a man a job that he loves, and he will never work another day in his life, this also works for women! This habit will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Twelve:
CONSTANTLY work at building yourself a positive SELF IMAGE! Look for reasons to Pat yourself on the back and acknowledge every success however small it may be. Break your goals down into lots of much smaller goals, and then get excited and perhaps celebrate every time you achieve one of them. This action will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Action Thirteen:
Keep telling yourself that you are the GREATEST simply because you THINK you are, and if you DON’T, change your ATTITUDE right now! Use affirmations, REGULARLY: I am the best, I am the best, I am the best! More This action will take you way beyond positive thinking!
Constructive thought basically implies that in a more positive and successful manner you handle unpleasantness. You assume that would be the best, not the worst. Positive thought also starts with self-discussion. Self-talk is the constant stream of unspoken emotions flowing through your mind.
So go out there and turbocharge your life.
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